Please Call or Email to book! As of July 1 2023 New patient appointments can not be guaranteed. I do keep a waiting list and I would be happy to refer you to another acupuncturist.

To prepare for your appointment please arrive a few minutes early to complete the necessary paperwork, and bring a list of your supplements and medications. Having an accurate list of supplements and medications is extremely important if you think you may be interested in receiving herbs at any time during your treatment. You may want to ware comfortable clothing to your appointment but it is not necessary.

Please know that if you are more than 15 minutes late for an appointment (for new or return patients) it will likely have to be rescheduled. Feel free to call and ask if you are running late. New patients who know show will be subject to a $70 no show fee. Life happens and if you can not make your appointment please reach out so the space can be filled.

 *** As of May 2021 Online booking for New Patients is suspended. If you are a New Patient Please Call!***