Acupuncture is our bread and butter at Medicine Rock, that is probably why your are here in the first place! Acupuncture is the insertion of tiny solid needles into specific points in the body. It is not dry needling, but we can do that too. Herbal medicine an be prescribed during a regular treatment time. Herbal appointments are better suited for patients who do not want acupuncture. Cupping and other modalities* may also be implemented as needed during these appointment times. It is important that you are on time so you can receive the best care possible. You may also want to dress comfortable but it is not required.
Initial appointments 90 to 120 minutes: $105. If you have not been in for 12 months or longer you will need to book an initial appointment so we have time to get all necessary forms and paperwork up to date. These appointments are where the practitioner will get to know you and you will work together to set health goals. During these appointments you will go through a comprehensive intake and medical history, medications, review necessary paperwork, and receive an acupuncture treatment.
Return appointments 40-50 minutes: $75 with no cupping. $85 with cupping. These appointments consist of a brief interview and check in about your health goals and progress, and an acupuncture treatment. ** If you have not been in for 12 months or longer you will need to book an initial appointment so we have time to get all necessary forms and paperwork up to date.**
Return 90 minute appointments are $105. These appointments include a return acupuncture treatment and 30 extra minutes for body work, extra time with needles, cupping or other therapy.
Auricular Acupuncture/Acupressure (AKA Ear Seeds): appointments are 10-30 minutes and cost $30. Ear acupressure is provided with Ear Seeds - small metal beads that apply pressure to acupoints.
You can learn more about what Acupuncture is and isn’t here! Or You can Book Your appointment now!
Other Modalities*
Other Modalities Include Electro Acupuncture, Gua Sha, Tuina, Food Therapy and Cupping.